I can come up with a huge amount of exscuses as to why I have not blogged and why I should, yet a feel it would not be a very good one other than I HAVE NO LIFE AND I AM CONSTANTLY BUSY!!... Wait maybe I should say I have too much of a life!
Things have been going insanly crazy around here with the Christmas season zooming towards us like a Mac truck. I am so not ready and the tree is not even up. I do have the Christmas towels up in the bathroom and Jackson is in Christmas like P.J.s. (does that count?) Oh Wait I have a wreath on the door :).
To be honest I have just been slammed packed with life. So lets see Good news my cousin Cheryl had her daughter Alexis. Yet a week before that we lost another amazing lady in out family. Jeremy's grandmother passed away about a week and half before that. So the going going going has been for good reasons not because I have kept myself busy. Family means a lot around here so we always are there for them.
OK an update...
Jackson is doing awesome on Monday he was actually in his very last Cornerstone Preschool/Kindergarten Christmas program. He was a shepherd and had about 5 lines. He did wonderful and we are so proud of him. He has grown about 3 inches sense September and is growing up out of his pants. He has discovered a new love of pretending to be a spy. He even plays on his own with pretending to be a spy constantly talking into something saying he is talking to headquarters. Jackson has also been reading a lot more. He can read a spell a ton of words now it even sometimes shocks me when he suddenly says and spells them out. He LOVES math he loves addition and would sit in the car saying _+_=_ over and he recently has put subtraction in there too!
Jeremy has officially been hired on at Bank of America. Don't ask me his title it is very long and I dont get it. It even has vice president in there WOW huh! Don't worry most of his tech team has VP in there somewhere. He is doing well and is liking the new job and we are LOVING having benefits back again. His recent obsession is 2 things TRON Legacy that is coming out on Friday and the Sing off I know I know 2 completely different sides of the spectrum if you know Jeremy you know it fits him just right!
Mom is doing well. The recently stopped having PT come because she was not progressing to what they thought she should. She has arthritis in her knees really bad so they could not get her any farther. She is stilling the excersizes and is still up and going. We are out of the house at least 5 days a week. Don't worry if I am going she is going to go too :) She has been going to Bible Study on Wednesday night also. She enjoys it and is learning a lot and having fun spending time with the ladies at our church.
I hope you guys out there in the blog world are doing well and I will TRY to blog some more. I just wanted to give an update on our lives Take Care All
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Busy Life!!! Cheryl's Wedding Day!
I am sitting here exhausted!! Really the days have been flying by like mad and if you were to look at my calendar you would see that I have no time but to run around like a crazy insane person. Things are booked back to back and if you are one of my facebook friend you would see the list I have to accomplish each day.
I have so much to blog that I am going to take a day next week to post pictures and share with you exactly what we have been doing in the Hannon Family.
Jackson is going like a weed he is growing so fast that people say from week to week that he has got more tall and I want to make the madness stop. He has lost 2 teeth this summer. One of his fears has been concord and now he is excited to see more come out. He said "not too fast though." He starts Kindergarten on August 17th. I am sniffing and he is excited he is thrilled to have Miss Jaimie as his teacher and he can't wait to learn to read.
Jeremy is STILL burning himself out and working 3 jobs. He has finally started the hire on process at Bank of America. I personally can't wait to have insurance again!!! Jeremy's latest job/hobby is being on a radio show with Dave Diamond. Its a local talk show if you google it you can sometime here Jeremy on there. He has also been offered a tech show on Saturdays he is currently trying to name so far he likes Byte Wars. Me not so much I think he is going instead get a ton of vampire fans disappointed that they are not exsploring twilight or Anne Rice novels.
Mom is doing great she servived Disneyland and is already planning the next trip. Yes you totally read that right she wants to go again! She is doing PT 2 times a week still. She is still making progress on everything, including going new places and being will to try and see new things. STILL can not get her near the beach lol but she loves just about anything else.
Well.... Enough of that... I actually started to post today because I wanted to lead up to my cousin Cheryl's wedding. YEP Cheryl and Jason will be getting marred today.
Cheryl you have come so far this last year you have allowed God to guide you in not that most CHERYL LIKE direction and you have waited on His signs to place you where you need to be. I am so glad Brandi led you to Jason and today I am going to see you walk down the aisle. You have walked through fire to get to the place where you are now and I am so happy to see joy in your eyes each day. I love you so much and I wish you and Jason the very best. You also have brought a wonderful extension to our family in Jason and his boys. I can't wait to call them family :)
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
May has been an insanely busy month. Really it is once again birthday central around here. My mom celebrated her 57th birthday I am so glad she was able to do this without being in the hospital. We also celebrated my Mom-in-laws birthday and my cousin Cheryl's birthday. Not to mention we also had Mothers Day.
Jackson LOVES to be onstage. He loves to sing and dance and the Mother's Day Tea was the perfect place for that.
After I we went to Papas house and Mom walked up stairs YEP you read that right she did it. No problem at all. I am so very proud of her for all of her hard work! This is proof she did it!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Happy Cinco De Mayo!

I know I know it took me long enough huh! Today I got to go with Cheryl to see the newest baby in our family. It was soooooo amazing to see that little life moving and kicking and her saying WOW it is real and I can't even feel it I love you sooooo much Cheryl and can't wait till June 19th so we can see if it is a He or a She :)
Monday, May 03, 2010
Does this need any words?
I know gasp wow what huh??? Yes that is my cousin Cheryl and yes she is having a baby she is due around November 24th wooo hoo to new babies in the family! This is her first pregnancy and she and Jason are soooooo excited. To tell you the truth I am sooooo excited :). Today I went with her to her first appointment. Well sort of appointment she had all her blood work done. Taking one for the team I should call it. Cheryl did awesome for someone who is sooooo afraid of needles she would much rather fall off a cliff than every look at one. I just wanted to post this to tell her how proud I am of her for doing so well today and can't wait to see the baby on Wednesday via ultrasound of course :) Can't wait to see the little golf ball size baby in there :)
Spring at last!
Spring has decided to show its face at last. It has rained at least 2 days each week for the past week I am not complaining, but when we get the chance we are spending it outside playing. Jackson picked out a new sprinkler this year. We are totally into Buzz right now and so of course when he saw that this shot a rocket in the air and you are the one flipping the switch he begged for it. This is a guaranteed 2 hour play window we are talking about. I love that he is able to go play out there on his own and I can clean house and know he is playing with the rocket because every few seconds I hear BLAST OFF! Oh and he is not digging to China in that hole he has created. It gets bigger and bigger each year it is insane! So BLAST OFF here are some pics of him playing with this awesome toy!
Something New
Oh I have a new love. A love that no longer leaks. A love that shall save energy and no longer freeze my lettuce. A love that I can fit a full load of groceries in and still have left over room :). A love where we can have 2 types of juice instead of just one. If you have not already guess this is our new appliance :) isn't it grand??? Don't worry people I dont miss cleaning up the puddle of water every day and I really do not miss the art work Jackson decided to do when he was 2 with the silver sharpie marker.
Oh and yes there are those Pjs again :P
Open House
Yes I know I am still catching up on April activities hey if you can read this you know that it is 10:15 PM and I am typing and uploading pictures to catch up. May is suppose to be pretty busy too. SO be ready to have May all about a month behind too.
April 20th was Jackson open house. He got to show off his room at school and all things he has been working on. Included in this was also a report card of sorts. He is doing great! He will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Knowing all his letters by site and their sounds. Counting to 39 the entire concept of 40 is new to him and he can count to 30 in Spanish. NO I did not teach him this he has picked it up here and there. So get ready for graduation pics here coming soon. He graduated May 28th soooooo family if you want to come you may it is at 11:30 at Cornerstone Church :)
Thank You
Thanks Uncle Matt and Aunt Meagan!!!
We have read the book many times so far have not had a chance to play with the water toy yet buuuuut the crown was a hit.
Jackson would also like to say thank you for all the packing paper he gets to recycle!Its a huge deal to take the cans to the recycle
Also Thank-you Ah-Ah and Uncle Josh for the PJs. As soon as they come out of the dryer they get dirty all over again :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Happy Anniversary Mom
I sat here for a few hours how to go about putting this down in words. Today marks the Anniversary of the day I had to have my int-abated. One of the hardest choices and I have ever made in my life. A step towards life and not death. A choice I had to make for my mother and something she would have to follow through with to decide to live and keep going and not give up. A year ago today I watched my mother struggle for breath and go through some horrible things. I thought about it all day long today. We went to the Dr today well actually 2 doctors. She even did a breathing test with no Oxygen and the doctor was rather happy with the results. I kept thinking back to that day. We went to lunch with Jackson and had a good day for the most part but I still am in shock about how far she has come in a year. A year ago today they told me my mother was going to die within hours and if she didn't that is was going to take over a year for her to come home. She has beat the odds with flying colors. She has pounded the odds like a mad person coming home in 7 months instead of a year without any tubes except oxygen.
Yes taking care of my mom is hard work. I will never say it is the easiest choice by any means. We argue a whole lot we learn a whole lot and we laugh a ton because of some of the situations we put ourselves in. If I would have not made this choice I would not be able to have these moments. I praise God and thank God each day that I can say I did not lose my Mother. I thank God each day that he has guided me through my choices that I have made over the past year. Without his guiding me through life I would not be where I am today. I also wouldn't have my mother to help me and support me for many years to come!
I know it might sound strange to say Happy Anniversary to something like this, hey it might sound flat out gross and morbid. I just want to say Happy Anniversary to Life Mom. Love you so much!
Yes taking care of my mom is hard work. I will never say it is the easiest choice by any means. We argue a whole lot we learn a whole lot and we laugh a ton because of some of the situations we put ourselves in. If I would have not made this choice I would not be able to have these moments. I praise God and thank God each day that I can say I did not lose my Mother. I thank God each day that he has guided me through my choices that I have made over the past year. Without his guiding me through life I would not be where I am today. I also wouldn't have my mother to help me and support me for many years to come!
I know it might sound strange to say Happy Anniversary to something like this, hey it might sound flat out gross and morbid. I just want to say Happy Anniversary to Life Mom. Love you so much!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Going Green Jacksonism
Hey Mama I'm going green. I am going to recycle these bottles and play with them. I am an alien I am an alien I am an alien. LOL.
Yes we have been recycling a lot around the house well at least trying our best. Jackson is a big part of that and loves taking the cans and plastic bottles out to the garage. Just one way of going green around our house lol :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Jackson turns 5
Oh Jackson, I cannot get over that you are 5 today. You amaze me each day and you make me smile at least 5 times a day. I love that your favorite color is yellow and must have everything that color. I love that you can count in Spanish all the way to 30 yet get slipped up counting that high in English. I love that you cannot stay clean for a second if we let you outside. God has blessed me with you and I am so happy he did so. God knew that this year would be meaningless some days without you. I love that when you pray at night you pray for all the children in the world and all the Nana and Papas and the Grandmas too.
Today was a big day we have an award ceremony at church. We also went to dinner to celebrate Jackson's Real birthday. Here are just a few pics from all the birthdays Jackson has had I bet if we counted ever time it would add up to 5 maybe six.
Award Ceremony with Ethan
Blowing out his candles!
Chuck E. Cheese Party
School party
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Jacksonism #2
Once again Jackson makes us all crack up with his random statements. I am so glad he lets these little thoughts out because some days I dont think we would have no comic relief. So the story...
Our town has decided that every road that we always take must need road construction. There isnt a moment in our day while taking and picking up Jackson from school that we see a sign or drive over a bump and feel like we have whip lash. It has become very annoying and I wonder why they must do it all at once when it can sometimes take 30 minutes to get through town when it normally takes 10 to 15 on a normal day. On the way home from school today Jackson saw all the road constructions on Louise. He mumbled to himself for a moment and lift himself up so he could see what was in front of us and then he replies. " OHHHH NO THIS LOOKS EXPENSIVE!" My friend Dana and I were laughing so hard we had to stop talking and just laugh at his comment. Yes I am sure the giant crater in the middle of the road will be rather expensive to fix LOL. That would have to be our laugh of the moment from Jackson!
Monday, March 15, 2010
March Madness
This happens to be every year March takes over ever day. We have a ton of birthdays in March and no they are just not friends they are family so your really can't just cut them out of the equation and the business of our days that have been going by. Every year I have a list of things that I have to get done this may include Easter it does include palm Sunday this year and every year I fall behind on things and most the time its the blog. Sorry blog world but sometimes the things ACTUALLY going on the time takes over :P. we have celebrated 6 birthdays so far and a ton to go. Birthdays mean so much more to me this year because you never know when the last one is going to be for a family member. Celebrating life is an awesome thing. I think that is why we like to make such a big deal about that.
Of course Jacksons birthday is also this month and he is allllll talk about the birthday Party. We have decided the Chuck E Cheese is the most awesome place for him and he loves it too. They stamp their hand so no one can escape (believe me it happens more than you think) No it is soooo not about the food, but it is about I DON'T HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS. Man, am I lazy or what hehe. I don't have to clean and have everything perfect at my house just so someone can come over and make an explosion of it. PLUS they play games and run their selves mad so usually that means it is an extra early bed time. So maybe its about me and not completely about him but that means we get to have a lot more fun the next day not having to clean. This year Palm Sunday is the next day so we have to be singing with the preschoolers in front of the church. So you all should come Jackson loves to perform for everyone.
In other news are you all ready for this??? We are going to be going to DISNEYLAND so check that off our list we are booked and Mom is going to be coming with us. We are staying at the Disneyland Hotel GASP I am still in shock. We are all soooo excited and Jackson doesn't know either the plan is to surprise him and to wait as long as we can before we have to tell him. We are going with a TON of family and mom plans to stimulate the economy much so while she is out and about lol. So we are doing something awesome for our country (I am being funny not thinking this is really going to help)
Be prepared for a ton of pics!
Also Jeremy has a new job oh wait or should I say 2 jobs. He has decided to work from the train for one and to work full time for another. YES I have actually seen my husband how else do you think he gets to the train :P We are actually getting on a schedule of things it is sort of hectic and mad but we will get there very soon. I love my husband for providing for our family and I love that he is doing it the way God has told him to do. I love that he is also allowing me to do so while I take care of Jackson and Mom. Jeremy you are the best for me!!!! I love you
Of course Jacksons birthday is also this month and he is allllll talk about the birthday Party. We have decided the Chuck E Cheese is the most awesome place for him and he loves it too. They stamp their hand so no one can escape (believe me it happens more than you think) No it is soooo not about the food, but it is about I DON'T HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS. Man, am I lazy or what hehe. I don't have to clean and have everything perfect at my house just so someone can come over and make an explosion of it. PLUS they play games and run their selves mad so usually that means it is an extra early bed time. So maybe its about me and not completely about him but that means we get to have a lot more fun the next day not having to clean. This year Palm Sunday is the next day so we have to be singing with the preschoolers in front of the church. So you all should come Jackson loves to perform for everyone.
In other news are you all ready for this??? We are going to be going to DISNEYLAND so check that off our list we are booked and Mom is going to be coming with us. We are staying at the Disneyland Hotel GASP I am still in shock. We are all soooo excited and Jackson doesn't know either the plan is to surprise him and to wait as long as we can before we have to tell him. We are going with a TON of family and mom plans to stimulate the economy much so while she is out and about lol. So we are doing something awesome for our country (I am being funny not thinking this is really going to help)
Be prepared for a ton of pics!
Also Jeremy has a new job oh wait or should I say 2 jobs. He has decided to work from the train for one and to work full time for another. YES I have actually seen my husband how else do you think he gets to the train :P We are actually getting on a schedule of things it is sort of hectic and mad but we will get there very soon. I love my husband for providing for our family and I love that he is doing it the way God has told him to do. I love that he is also allowing me to do so while I take care of Jackson and Mom. Jeremy you are the best for me!!!! I love you
Sunday, February 21, 2010
OK I think I might starting typing these out just to share. Jackson says some of the funniest things at the funniest times.
Today were eating at a restaurant we had never been to before. It was beached themed inside and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He talked about every cool detail. Later while we were waiting for our food Jeremy and I were talking about the song that was playing on the radio they had playing through out the restaurant then out of the blue Jackson said "I don't like this song" Jeremy and I were sort of taken back by this and we asked why he replied "hmm I just wish they had a Mariachi band?" HUH what? "You know what that is right Mama? I like the music they play and their hats" once again I say HUH what? LOL
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Something funny
Hey a little laughter never hurt anyone right? I could not not post this after seeing this on a blog today. I have become very fond of hitting the next blog button on here lol yeah I know it can be a waist of time but hey how else can you find blogs with even crazier people than yourself or even a good dinner to cook. Oh and how would I live without finding cake wrecks :). Oh and where else would I find out where to buy gold teeth???? This answers my question completely ha ha ha
Valentines Day and getting Out
Well Valentines is over and now the crazy plans of Easter is coming very soon just as fast as Valentines came and went. This year is passing so fast I can't believe it. This yeah Jackson picked out toy story valentines. He signed all 32 of them. Can you believe that. He was so excited he sat there for an hour signing his name. You could hear him say J aaaaaaa cccccc KKKKKKK as he signed each letter each time.
On Friday Jeremy also got a call back to go back to his job that he was laid off from. He has an official hire date of March 22nd. We will also be having benefits again and things seem to be working out.
Also we have set forth plans to go to Disneyland. YEP mom has been getting out of the house sooo much more she even went bowling with us on Saturday. We had a big week she was able to get out 4 of the 7 days and still did physical therapy. I am now finally seeing the end of the tunnel. Mom will soon be back to a more productive life that she can enjoy. PRAISE GOD
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I have been sucked into this thing I have begun to call winter cleaning. I have begun to tackle the hardest rooms in the house Jeremy and my room and the garage. GASP all of you might be saying. Because those of you who know me know that my room is the catch all in the Scott-Hannon Household if it doesn't have a spot it either goes in our room or the garage. Not to mention that my loving wonderful husband has decided to hide his clothes from me now and make me look from them. So I have succeeded in finding them scattered around our room in strange and interesting spots and in boxes. The Garage on the other hand the laundry monster had a attacked a long very long time ago. I am succeeding is slaying this monster one load at a time and actually putting it away in its correct spots. YEP my house will soon me livable again and clean and of course to my Mothers liking. Yes 7 months of damage happened to it while mom was in the hospital so catching up is going to take a good few weeks and get organized and hopefully it will stay that way. (at least for a few months). I have taken back $20 worth in cans WOO HOOO and it has went to gas already,but it works right. Also I have found TONS of change. My cousin and I have decided when we are all done we will count and found out exactly how much we found. So far in the garage and my room there is a ton. Maybe it will pay the PG&E while Jeremy is looking for a job YES I do believe it could be that much. We have been working on all this and at the same time keeping up with the every day grind so I think we are doing pretty good.
OH you might be wondering about the blood issue. I am now official on Vitamin B12 shots and also over 5000MG a day so some energy is coming back. Not to mention Iron and Vitamin D and a womans supplement. Slowly bu surly I will be a little normal again. For now I have been taking a lot of rests while the cleaning has been going on.
Jackson has been actually keeping his room picked up and he is wondering when the next appointment is for the house fairy to come. Maybe next wednesday.
PS Can we have a few prayers out there for Jeremy finding a job. Cause I love him greatly but this no money thing is going to begin to hurt.
OH you might be wondering about the blood issue. I am now official on Vitamin B12 shots and also over 5000MG a day so some energy is coming back. Not to mention Iron and Vitamin D and a womans supplement. Slowly bu surly I will be a little normal again. For now I have been taking a lot of rests while the cleaning has been going on.
Jackson has been actually keeping his room picked up and he is wondering when the next appointment is for the house fairy to come. Maybe next wednesday.
PS Can we have a few prayers out there for Jeremy finding a job. Cause I love him greatly but this no money thing is going to begin to hurt.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hello world this week has been insane completely insane. Jeremy got laid off soooo things or ideas to get done hmmm. Clean clean everything Under every item In ever drawer I am doing winter cleaning not spring cleaning Ha with the insane rain and wind who really wants to go outside anyway. Oh I just love and adore doing these things. (I know you can't hear the sarcasm in my voice) So this house has been turned upside down and inside out. I know I still have another week to be complete but in the mean time keeping up with everything else and making sure I stay up on things has officially exhausted me. I have even put my four year old to work scrubbing walls and bath tubs hey cheap labor and he doesn't mind hehe.
In other news I have found out I am lacking in the blood count department. FUN STUFF. So now I am taking Iron and Vitamin B12 by the 5000s and getting shots for that too. Oh and then they want to take blood to find out how the blood count it every other week. All this so I can stay out of the hospital. So far the Vitamin B12 that has been started on Tuesday has helped. I feel a little more energy and have been able to get a ton more done and not feel like I am going to fall down and croak. Croaking is a bad thing you know.
So we have found a ton of little toys and pens and items that we have bought Jackson over the past few months that we never put in his stocking. I also found a web site called housefairy.org. We had watched a few episodes on the computer and Jackson wanted nothing to do with it. Well Cheryl my cousin who has been helping me with my cleaning venture put some of these items on Jacksons dresser. He saw them and said TREATS there are TREATS on my dresser the house fairy came she new I had been cleaning my room and the bath tub. THEN Immediately he began cleaning up the toys in his room. He said I want another treat next week so I better keep my room picked up hmmm I wonder how long this will work and how long it is going to take that the house fairy is just this crazy lady dressed up and tell them how to have manners and clean up after themselves we will see we will see.
In other news I have found out I am lacking in the blood count department. FUN STUFF. So now I am taking Iron and Vitamin B12 by the 5000s and getting shots for that too. Oh and then they want to take blood to find out how the blood count it every other week. All this so I can stay out of the hospital. So far the Vitamin B12 that has been started on Tuesday has helped. I feel a little more energy and have been able to get a ton more done and not feel like I am going to fall down and croak. Croaking is a bad thing you know.
So we have found a ton of little toys and pens and items that we have bought Jackson over the past few months that we never put in his stocking. I also found a web site called housefairy.org. We had watched a few episodes on the computer and Jackson wanted nothing to do with it. Well Cheryl my cousin who has been helping me with my cleaning venture put some of these items on Jacksons dresser. He saw them and said TREATS there are TREATS on my dresser the house fairy came she new I had been cleaning my room and the bath tub. THEN Immediately he began cleaning up the toys in his room. He said I want another treat next week so I better keep my room picked up hmmm I wonder how long this will work and how long it is going to take that the house fairy is just this crazy lady dressed up and tell them how to have manners and clean up after themselves we will see we will see.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Goodbye 2009
If I was to list all the details of 2009 this would be a rather depressing entry. So lets give a short blurb as to why 2009 must be gone for me. Three very important people in my life passed away. mom was in the hospital 7 of the 12 months of that year. Jeremy lost a job in the beginning of 2009 and I had a miscarriage. OK 2009 for the good. Mom came home. She is walking and becoming stronger each day. I had 2 visits from by best friend Andrea this year and her husband got to come too. Jackson is healthy and wild as ever. I grew... I grew spiritually, I grew mentally, I grew in myself as in I now know I can go through life on my own, NOT THAT I WANT TO.
For 2010 I plan the word is PLAN to have a better year. I plan to blog a bit more I plan to take more pictures. I plan to get more healthy. I plan to get Mom out of the house more each week.
Things I look forward to.
Alone Time With My Husband
Spending Time With Family
Book Club
Girls Nights Out
Seeing Jackson Graduate From Preschool
Seeing Jackson Start Kindergarten
Getting Healthy
Seeing Mom Progress
Loving Life
Here are a few Christmas pics also :)
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