Our church did a fund raiser for our Missions trip to Ghana. It was called LOL (laugh Out Loud) Goes to the hop. It was completly 50s themed and we got to have root beer floats and had popcorn. It was so great to see so many people in our church show their talents and there support in such a wonder cause. They are currently in the process of trying to build a church for a village there. There has been money donated in 2 very special peoples honor also Mrs. Maybell Martin and Pastor Jim Carlton. They church will be in honor of their wish to stread the news about Jesus over seas via missions. It is such a wonderfully expiring project and I am so glad to see that soon they will start building. The villigers have been meeting under a true because they do not have a building to praise in. Here is some more info if you care to know more or would like to donate also :)
Becca (11) and Kaitlin (9) (Cousins) both were in this program they both had a great time getting to know each other and becoming close. Yes they are 2 years apart but I do believe they became great friends out of it too! They did such a great job and I am so happy they are learning and participating in church and at the same time learning the Lord more and more each day!
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