Yep that is what I said!!! Jackson turned 4 today! Four years ago today I met my little boy who changed my life. I could not imagine him not in our lives. He is our entertainment through out the day and he makes everything better when you think you are going to have a bad day. I love that he can't wake up without saying good morning to each person in the house even when they are sleeping. I love that he can not stay
clean for anything even when just standing on the
front porch he can find something to get into just to make one dirty spot on him lol.
I love that he has to show me figures when you want 2 of something and putting it directly in my eye sight so I know for sure you want 2 crackers or 2 cookies :) I crack up that I have to help him put his shoes on the exact same way every day or he will question me 50 times throughout the day why I did it that way. I still do not understand why he must wear your new star (converse) EVERYDAY! If we can not find them he says "Oh
it's going to be a grumpy bad say." I am amazed that Jackson will learn a Bible story at school or BSF and he will know it with every small detail even if the teacher doesn't think he has been listening. He will then tell it to everyone he sees. I am in awe of my sons faith. He tells people they need Jesus in their hearts so they will be in heaven and have a good clean heart. I could name so many more things about this child that I could have never known 4 years ago. The only thing I knew is that he was loved and wanted he was so wanted and has made our lives even more of a joy that could have ever thought of. I enjoy being a Mama greatly I think my life would be so boring without this child in my life and I would have no idea what to do with myself. I am sure I would but I really don't think I want to experience that! I am so glad to call him my son and he is so worth every moment of time I spend with him. I do believe Jeremy thinks the same of him too :)
(The Shoes Nana bought that he must have on every day!)

Today Jackson has had school and lots of play time in his new play house that his Grandma Donna and Papa Pete bought he thinks its awesome. It has been a nice day so he has taken every advantage of it. We have open house at preschool tonight so we will be doing that and then follow up by going to dinner! There will be a ton more pics from today but I just wanted to mark this date!