February has had its ups and downs. So I am going to talk about the good things rather than the bad. Yes Jeremy's contract was ended after starting his new job. He is currently looking so everyone please keep us in our prayers. Its going to be a huge change for us.
Some good thing. Jackson had his first Valentines Day party at preschool. They decorated cookies and handed out Valentines. Jackson pics his out and "signed" each one. The first set we bought and loast were Mickey Mouse. He was not a happy camper that we had to go back to the store and buy new ones. He decided on Tigger and Pooh because they were out of the original set we had bought. He was just excited to get the marker in his hands and to sign one. He has been learning a lot of sight words also. He can read Yes, no, stop, zoo and frog. He isistes on reading those words in the book if he doesnt get to it is all over.
I am still the director/coordinator of preschool ministries at the church. I just got a new set of curriculum and have been orginizing that for this past week. I also picked out songs for the kids to sing for Palm Sunday. They are an official hit they love singing them over and over again. The each have a CD to take home and listen to it throughout the week. They all know the songs already so I don't have to worry about that now.
Things have been pretty busy as normal though. Jackson's birthday is at the end of March. I can not beleive he is going to be four. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was waiting for him to make his arrival. I wish I could freeze him and make him not grown anymore lol I know that may sound funny but hey its fun right now.
We all have been going to park a lot well when it has not been raining. I have started back to the gym once again and Jackson has a class on Wednesdays that does fun excersices with him. He is exhausted when he gets home it is so funny. He doesnt move the entire night and snores lol because he has so much fun there.
So that is pretty much the Month of Febrary in a little run down. Just pray for us and Jeremy to get a job very soon like yesterday :)