Hello everyone. Things have been a bit busy around here can ya tell lol... I have been sick on and off sense Christmas. It has either been the flu or a cold so I have been using any spare time to lay on the couch. Things have been going really well other than that. We enjoyed our family so much through the holidays and we miss them so much. Jackson has been enjoy every minute of his Christmas gifts and seems to not even know what one is his favorite. He does enjoy his hand held v-smile a lot though. It has saved us on office visits and things like that a lot better than a color book becauce he believes after one page he should be able to run around.
Jackson has a new teacher now Miss Jaimie he loves her so much he even talks about going to school every day. Yesterday he got to go to school and then spend the rest of the day with Grandma Donna and Aunt Sarah. He was beyond thrilled!!!
I have been working on AVON and doing Sunday School thing. I am currently trying to figure out what the kids are going to be singing on Palm Sunday and how the Easter Egg Hunt and party are going to go over. We dont have a lot of helpers but it is going up and up each semester so that is good news. I love working with the children and it is so fun to see them learn about God and actually remember and understand week to week! Jeremy started a new job and has been having a lot more home time. It has been so nice to actually know that Jeremy will be home by 6 every night. Its sort of shocking. I can have dinner ready and know he will be here to enjoy it. Jackson has been having a daddy time every night such as his bed time story. His latest favorite books are Curious George. If we could read the entire book every night he would. Yes he will sit through 50 pages every night if he could. I do believe Jeremy is enjoying it too. I
ok welp I better get going have some AVON to deliver and lots of laundry :O)